Halal Reflection

Is Belly Piercing Haram in Islam?

Is Belly Piercing Haram in Islam?

Is Belly Piercing Haram in Islam?

Belly piercings, like other forms of body modification, have become very popular in many parts of the world, including among Muslims Countries.


Piercing the belly button, to wear jewelry, has become a common trend, especially among young girls.


However, many Muslims question whether getting a belly piercing is haram (forbidden) or halal (permissible) in Islam.


Let’s Discuss!

Is Belly Piercing Haram in Islam?



What Does Islam Say About Body Modification?

In Islam, the body is considered a trust (Amanah) given by Allah to each individual. Muslims believe that they must treat their bodies with respect and care, as it is a gift from Allah.

The Quran teaches that the human body should not be harmed or altered in ways that go against its natural creation.

But the question is: Does a belly piercing fall under body modification that is not allowed?



Is Belly Piercing Haram?


Point 1

In Islam, intention (niyyah) plays a significant role in determining the permissibility of an action. If the purpose of getting a belly piercing is purely for vanity, pride, or to seek attention, it may be seen as an act of showing off (riya).

The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:

“Actions are judged by the intentions (niyyah), and everyone will get what he or she done.” (Sahih Bukhari)

If the intention behind getting a belly piercing is to look fashionable or attract attention in a way that goes against Islam, it might be considered haram.


Point 2

Another important factor to consider is whether the belly piercing causes harm to the body. If a piercing leads to infections, permanent scarring, or any other form of harm, it may be considered haram.

The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) warned against causing harm to the body:

“There should be neither harming nor reciprocating harm.” (Sunan Ibn Majah)

If the piercing causes pain or risks serious damage to the body, it could fall under the category of harming oneself, which is haram in Islam.


Point 3

Islam places some limits on Muslims, especially on women. The Quran commands both men and women to dress modestly and protect their private parts.

In Surah An-Nur (24:31), Allah says:

“And tell the believing women to lower their gaze and guard their private parts and not to display their adornment except that which ordinarily appears thereof.” (Quran 24:31)

Belly piercings, especially when shown in public or in front of non-mahram men (those who are not close relatives), could violate this principle of Islamic modesty.


Point 4

Islam doesn’t allow permanent body modifications such as tattoos, as they alter the body permanently.

However, belly piercings are generally considered temporary, as the jewelry can be removed at any time. This temporary nature means belly piercings may not be viewed as permanent alterations.

However, the issue of modesty and intention still plays a key role in whether it is permissible or not.


Yes, According to all the points I explained above, we conclude that belly piercing is haram in Islam because piercing is done for vanity, causes harm, or goes against Islamic modesty.

This practice also goes against Islam because it is also considered body modification and Islam doesn’t allow us to alter any part of our body.

So, Belly Piercing is Haram in Islam!

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FAQs About Belly Piercing in Islam

1. Is belly piercing haram in Islam?

Yes, belly piercing in Islam because such piercings are often done out of vanity, can lead to harm and may go against the principles of modesty that Islam upholds.


2. Does Islam allow piercings?

No, Islam doesn’t allow piercing because this practice lies in body modification and Islam dont allow us.

3. Can belly piercings cause harm in Islam?
If a belly piercing causes pain, or infection, or leaves scars, it might be considered harmful, and in that case, Islam would advise against it. Religion teaches us to take care of our bodies, so anything that harms them should be avoided.

5. Can I remove the belly piercing if it’s causing harm?

Yes, if the piercing is causing any discomfort or harm, it’s perfectly okay to remove it. Islam forces us to take care of our bodies, and if something is not right, it’s better to take it out. Your health and well-being should always come first.




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